Instructions for E-poster presenters

Instructions for E-poster presenters

Technical instructions have been sent. Please note the extended deadline to pre-record and upload your e-poster is Thursday, October 28, 2021. This is the final deadline and no further extensions can be given.

The majority of accepted abstracts at the 34th International Papillomavirus Conference will be available in E-Poster format (1-page poster in landscape orientation). We encourage all delegates to visit the E-Poster gallery which will be available throughout the Conference live days as well as 3 months after.

Abstracts selected for E-poster will not have a designated date and time for presentation. All IPVC 2021 delegates can view the E-Posters at any time during and after the Conference, and contact their authors directly via the Networking Hub, for questions and further discussions.

Please note all E-poster presenters will be contacted after they register for the Conference with more details on how to upload their work.


E-Poster presenters will be judged for the “Featured E-posters” section at IPVC.

Only the people awarded this distinction will be notified. Notifications will be received along with the link to upload your E-poster, following the registration deadline for presenters – September 15, 2021.

Only 30 e-Posters will be selected for this category. The selected E-Posters will be announced on the conference website and will be given the exclusive opportunity to add a 2-3 minutes audio file presenting their E-Poster. They will also receive a certificate for outstanding research work.

e-Poster Specifications

  • Language: All E-Posters should be prepared in English.
  • File Format: Please submit your E-Poster as a PDF file in landscape orientation.
  • Number of pages: 1 page is recommended.
  • Orientation: Please create your document in PowerPoint in Landscape Layout 16×9 and Save as a PDF file.
  • Font types: Arial, Calibri, Verdana Times New Roman or Helvetica.
  • Font size: > 11
  • Hyperlinks, animated images, animations, and embedded videos are not permitted.
  • QR Codes may be included.
  • Images and tables: at least 200 dpi. Good picture quality is essential.
  • When inserting images, photos, tables, etc., use copy-paste. Do not use embedded documents.
  • Avoid overlapping objects and layers. Only the final view/status will be visible.
  • When saving your PDF please do not use symbols or special characters (ie. +/@/ü) in the file name.
  • If you wish, you may use a template that can be downloaded HERE.

Presenters of abstracts selected for the “Featured E-posters” section are encouraged to record and upload a 3-5 minute audio recording in an MP3 format to accompany their e-Poster.

To see the detailed instructions on how to prepare your vocal recording, please click HERE.
For more useful tips, watch the video below.

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