Welcome Letter

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee and Board of the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS), we are very pleased to invite you to participate in the 34th International Papillomavirus Conference & Basic Science, Clinical and Public Health Workshops which will be held in Toronto, November 15-19, 2021. The Covid-19 pandemic and the consequent closure of national borders and severe restriction of international travel has challenged the face-to-face model of large scientific meetings. In view of the uncertainties about if and when these restrictions will be eased together with best advice from national and international health authorities, we decided that the 34th International Papillomavirus Conference & Basic Science, Clinical and Public Health Workshops will be a virtual conference. This gives certainty that the conference will be held offering our community opportunity to present the latest research findings, educational exchanges, scientific news and best practice updates.

The 2021 conference theme is “Research and education for HPV elimination” and through workshops, invited lectures, and oral and poster sessions presenting the latest research results, the conference will cover papillomavirus (PV)-related topics from basic science to global health impact. We will be paying special attention to HPV prevention and control in populations that are most vulnerable to HPV disease worldwide, including those in Low and Middle Income Countries.

In line with the IPVS mission of addressing the most recent advances across the spectrum of PV research, conference topics will include the epidemiology and molecular biology of PVs; animal models for the study of papillomavirus disease; basic immunology and pathogenesis of PVs; therapeutic and prophylactic vaccines; prevention of HPV associated cancers particularly cervical cancer and other PV-associated diseases, promotion of the spread of the scientific knowledge to benefit the whole community. Together we will harness the power of innovation from HPV research to deliver global prevention and control of HPV-related disease.

Yours sincerely,

Margaret Stanley, IPVC 2021 Co-Chair
MB., PhD, HonFRCOG, FMedSci

Margaret Stanley, IPVC 2021 Co-Chair
MB., PhD, HonFRCOG, FMedSci
Ann Burchell, IPVC 2021 Co-Chair

Ann Burchell, IPVC 2021 Co-Chair
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