Maurice Hilleman Award

Maurice Hilleman Award

IPVC 2020 postponed to July 20-24, 2020

The International Papillomavirus Society and Eurogin are pleased to hold Maurice Hilleman Award Ceremony at the IPVC 2020 Conference.

The Maurice Hilleman award honors the memory of Maurice Hilleman, PhD, one of the most effective vaccinologists in history. Dr. Maurice Hilleman led Merck MSD’s Department of Virus and Cell Biology from 1956 to 1984. Of the fourteen vaccines routinely recommended in current vaccine schedules, he developed eight, including measles, mumps, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, chickenpox, meningitis, pneumonia and Haemophilus influenzae bacteria.

The 2020 Maurice Hilleman Award will be given to a scientist in recognition of his or her outstanding contributions to the development, implementation and/or advocacy of HPV vaccines.

A committee comprised of members of the IPVS Board and the Eurogin Scientific Committee selected the winner from among the submitted nominations. The honoree will deliver a keynote lecture at a dedicated ceremony.

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